IT Tech trends for 2018.

Top IT & Tech Trends to Look Out for in 2018

December 22, 2017 -

IT Tech trends for 2018.

The world of IT and tech is constantly changing. Trends come and go, but some stick around and change the industry forever. Will 2018 bring any game changers? Or will it be just more of the same? Our top IT recruiters have run down the top IT & Tech Trends to keep an eye on in 2018:

  1. Versatility

Everyone in IT today has a wide range of skills, usually with a depth of knowledge in one or two specific areas. Flexibility will only become even more important in 2018. As e-commerce, analytics, apps, digital business initiatives, and websites continue to become even more paramount to the modern business environment, your IT team may be expected to take a bigger role on the business side of things. The potential rewards for those in IT who can successfully make this transition are huge.

  1. Rise of the Bots

Bots are already miles ahead of where they were just a few years ago in terms of sophistication and widespread use. They are only going to become even more important in 2018 and beyond. Expect enterprises to focus and spend more on bots than web development and apps. Chatbots will become even more prevalent as their level of sophistication grows, but they are still in early adoption phases. The power of bots should not be underestimated, they will transform the very way in which apps are built, downloaded, and used.

  1. A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

Constant warnings from particular industry insiders about the looming AI apocalypse making everyone redundant will be proved unfounded (or at least premature) in 2018. AI’s growing importance will eliminate some jobs, but it will also create many others. As AI makes companies more competitive, expect to see some serious new opportunities and rapid growth for those who can make the most of it.

  1. Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing for some time now, and 2018 will bring us even closer to the tipping point – if we haven’t already passed it. More and more products and services will be integrated into the internet of things (IoT) as the cost of this integration decreases and the scope of implementation increases. Combined with the rise of AI and bots the IoT will only grow more efficient and indispensable to new products.

With the rise of the IoT the risk of security breaches also increases. If you don’t have a top-notch IT security team then it’s in your company’s best interest to enhance your protection. Expect a large amount of time and resources to be spent on evolving and mitigating security risks.  

  1. Cloud Computing

The rise of cloud computing offers a lot of advantages and has already arrived at most businesses, but it will only continue to grow in 2018. Like the IoT the rise of the cloud has brought (and will continue to bring) greater efficiency, but also greater security vulnerabilities.

  1. Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Technology

Bitcoin has already hit levels that many people said were once impossible, and now with new promising competitors like Ethereum, we can safely say that cryptocurrencies are here to stay.

Private blockchains (as opposed to the public blockchains of cryptocurrency) will also become more prevalent in the business world as leaders step in their immense potential. Expect businesses to become integrated with multiple blockchain networks simultaneously. For example, a business may rely on one blockchain network for supply chain management, another for finance, a third for contracts, and so on.

Looking to diversify your team to take advantage of any of these trends in 2018? At Live Assets, we have a team of IT recruiters ready to help your business meet the ever-evolving needs of modern business. Contact us or call (416) 572-1020  to connect with some of the top industry’s top IT talent.

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