6 Ways to Boost Your Career with Social Media - Live Assets

6 Ways to Boost Your Career with Social Media

June 4, 2022 -

Social media no longer for just fun and games

At one point, it seemed like social media and the internet were just meant for celebrity gossip and funny cat videos. But with 4.62 billion people or half the planet on social media, we have found new ways to leverage these platforms, one of them being professional networking.

Whether you are switching careers, looking for a new job or even happily employed, social media can get you in touch with the right contacts and boost your career.


6 ways social media can boost your career

  1. Connect with people with similar interests
  2. Update your career changes in real-time
  3. Passive job search
  4. Promote your personal brand
  5. Discover career paths you hadn’t thought of
  6. Find companies you want to work with



  1. Connect with people with similar interests 

Your network is one of your greatest assets as you go through your career journey. Social media is full of people with unique skills and experiences. Having these people in your corner can open doors to new opportunities and other career development resources.


Networking is all about give and take. So make sure you’re giving as much as you are taking. Your connections aren’t pawns to use, and it’s recommended you reciprocate the same value they offer to you.


  1. Update your career changes in real-time 

As you go throughout your career, expect change to happen. Whether you get a promotion or quit your job, social media can keep your network in the loop of these changes. News spreads fast on social media, and your network can receive these updates in real-time and, in return, give you timely advice and support.


  1. Passive job search

One of the best things about social media and the internet is that it’s always on. People can view your profile and view your online resume and/or portfolio from anywhere and anytime.

Even when you aren’t actively job searching, your professional information is always available for prospective employers to see. Though you might be currently employed, nothing is stopping from employers or colleagues from reaching out about potential opportunities.


  1. Promote your personal brand 

A great way to expedite your job search is through a personal brand. Professionals can influence how employers perceive them through personal branding based on skills, experience, and accomplishments. Once you’ve established your brand, social media will help you promote yourself to employers and colleagues.


To promote your personal brand, you can position yourself as an expert in your industry by sharing original content, sharing your accomplishments and achievements, and plugging your website if you have one.


  1. Discover career paths you never thought about 

It can be easy to forget other opportunities and career paths when you’re caught up juggling both work and personal responsibilities. Staying connected on social media can help keep these opportunities front of mind. Stay in the know by following others in the same or similar career situations. Seeing what others in your network are doing might inspire you to make a change you didn’t know you needed.


  1. Find companies you want to work with

At this point in the game, businesses need to have a social presence to reach customers and advertise their employer’s value proposition. As a job seeker, social media can help boost your career by connecting you with these companies and the people that go along with them.


Following and staying engaged with companies will keep you informed on any business changes and other relevant information like job openings. You can also grow your network by cold-messaging or following individuals who already work for these companies.



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