Tag: IT trends

How IoT Is Impacting 7 Key Industries Today
There is no single way to describe the Internet of Things (IoT)—it varies by industry, both in types of systems and in use cases. IoT in one sector is different...
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A.I. Will Replace Tasks, Not Jobs
There is no shortage of angst when it comes to the impact of AI on jobs. For example, a survey by Pew Research Internet finds Americans are roughly twice as likely to express worry...
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Thinking on AI: What do truck drivers and recruiters have in common?
Per a recent Gallup survey, 7 in 10 Americans believe AI tech will eliminate more jobs than it creates. The numbers are all over the map based on different research,...
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It seems people are confused by what “strategy” means
Here's a new article where, seemingly, some Australian consultant gets a bunch of top dogs (execs) in a room and asks: “What is your broader strategy?” They go off and...
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4 Technology Trends That Will Transform Our World
Predicting the future requires hubris, and it should therefore be met with more than a terabyte of skepticism. In past years, I’ve made some calls that have proved prescient like...
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Government, private sector invest $1B in information technology in Montreal
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was on hand to make the announcement in Montreal Wednesday. The federal and provincial governments along with Canadian tech company CAE have teamed up to...
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Oracle offers GraphPipe spec for machine learning data transmission
GraphPipe is intended to bring the efficiency of a binary, memory-mapped format while being simple and light on dependencies. Oracle has developed an open source specification for transmitting tensor data,...
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Video Interviews and Personalized Hiring in the World of Automation
LinkedIn, for its 2018 Global Recruiting Trends report, surveyed 8,815 talent acquisition professionals and hiring managers about their recruitment activities, their recommendations and the prominent, effective trends they were seeing....
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5 Mistakes Candidates Make When Speaking With Recruiters
With insight into the process, you can leverage your skills and set yourself aside from the competition that is still shooting blindfolded. Like any journey, you can’t get anywhere without knowing...
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Cyber Security Today: Advice for smart homes, malware on Android phones and Google’s tracking you
Privacy advice for smart homes, manufacturers putting malware on Android phones and why is Google still tracking you? So-called smart homes with Internet-connected voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google...
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