Explore 10 powerful goal-setting strategies for a triumphant 2024!

Live Asset’s 2024 Goal Setting Guide

December 27, 2023 -

10 Goal-Setting Strategies for Success


As the calendar turns the page to a new year, it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past and set the stage for a brighter future. Goal setting is a powerful practice that can help you channel your aspirations into concrete actions. This guide will explore a step-by-step process to empower you to set and achieve meaningful goals for the upcoming 2024 year.


Prior to Goal Setting


SWOT Analysis

Identify your professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and how each will impact your goals and action plan. Conducting a SWOT analysis is helpful if you have had a significant shift in your business or are in a transitional period in your career.


Set Benchmarks

Research your competitors to get a benchmark for things like income averages or expenses. You can assess your company’s performance based on these benchmarks to gain insight into setting attainable goals.


Evaluate last year’s goals

If you set any goals for the previous year, take a moment to reflect on how you can improve for this year. Where and why were you successful with last year’s goals, and how can you do the same for the new year? Were there any obstacles you faced or goals you’re still working on?


10 Goal Setting Frameworks and Methods


  1. SMART

Specific: Keep your goals clear and defined.

Measurable: Make your goals measurable. Include dates or precise amounts to help measure your success and progress.

Achievable: Choose a goal you are most likely to meet. Setting unattainable goals for yourself will do nothing but crush your confidence.

Relevant: Your goals should be relevant to the pathway you want to follow professionally and personally. When choosing your goals, consider what you must do to further your career or life.

Time-bound: Have a deadline. Without one, you’ll have no motivation to work to reach your goals.


SMART goals can also expand into SMARTER goals. If you choose to expand your SMART goals, consider the following:


Evaluate: Find a time to check your progress regularly. For example, do a check-in every two weeks or every month to ensure you are on track. Use key performance indicators (KPI) to track your progress.

Readjust: Life happens, but don’t let a few bumps in the road get in the way of your goals. Be prepared to adjust your goals and adapt your plan to accommodate any unforeseen obstacles.


  1. OKR – Objectives and Key Results

OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results. An Objective is what you want to achieve, and Key Results are what we need to do to reach our objective. When following the OKR method, a goal statement could look like, ‘I will (Objective) as measured by (Key Results).’ to set an OKR goal, choose what you want to achieve (objective) and then identify the steps necessary to achieve it (Key Results).


  1. Micro goals

Instead of setting one huge goal, break it up into smaller pieces. This method takes multiple but smaller goals to accomplish an overarching goal. For example, a school fundraiser might aim to raise $10,000. A thermometer chart gets filled in for every $500 or $1000 raised to track progress. Participants can see their progress toward the larger goal with every milestone reached. Smaller goals can help you stay motivated and remind you of your current successes when tackling larger goals.


  1. Backwards goals

The backwards goal method works by turning your vision into measurable goals. Figure out what you want your overall success to be, and from there, work backwards to identify your smaller goals and tasks that need to be achieved to make that overarching goal happen.


  1. Visual goals

For some, reaching their goals is easier with a visual representation, like a vision board. With this technique, imagine what your goals look like and find images, either digital or in print, to match. As you progress, you can add more pictures and even quotes, but place them somewhere you see daily. The visual goal technique can work with many of the other methods described.


  1. Golden Circle 

This method requires you to draw a target circle with three layers. The center of the target is your WHY. The WHY isn’t your goal but your purpose and why you want to achieve it. The second layer should identify your HOW. How will you achieve your goals?

Dedicate the final layer to your WHAT. What is it that you need to do to reach success? Once completed, use your golden circle as a visual reminder.


  1. One-word goals

One-word goals emphasize simplicity by finding a singular word to describe your goal. This word should be memorable and straightforward, as this will be the anchor of your motivation. If you want to develop a skill at work, your word might be reach, improve or bloom. One-word goals can be used for personal or business goals in conjunction with other techniques.


  1. Locke and Latham’s 5 principles of goal-setting

Locke and Latham created these five principles to help goal-setters better succeed. Each principle helps set more effective goals and better action plans.



There should be no confusion when it comes to your goals. Clearly state and define your goal and find a strategy to measure progress.


Your goal should require effort to accomplish. If your goal is too easy, it’s probably something you already have accomplished.


Make sure your goal is something you want to accomplish. The more invested and committed you feel, the more likely you will achieve your goal.


Regularly check your progress and give yourself continuous feedback. If possible, get feedback from someone else. An outside source can provide fresh, objective ideas and motivate you even more.

Task complexity

Like the SMART method, ensure your goal isn’t beyond your abilities. Be realistic about what you can achieve without making it too challenging or easy.


  1. Values-based goals

Goals can be more manageable to accomplish when they are compatible with the values and beliefs you hold important. When setting your goal, consider traits or attributes you believe are essential. If you are often late to meetings but value responsibility, you can set a deadline goal. Your value of responsibility is your drive and will motivate you to have better time management skills.


  1. WOOP goals

Standing for wish, outcome, obstacle and plan, the WOOP method is helpful for those trying to kick bad habits.

Wish: Make your wish or goal exciting for you.

Outcome: Picture the best possible scenario for achieving your goal. Visualize how your accomplishment would make you feel in as much detail as possible.

Obstacle: Recognize any potential setbacks. What external and personal limitations might get in the way of your goal?

Plan: Find solutions or accommodations that will help you overcome these obstacles.


Additional tips


Make your goals public

Making your goals public will keep you accountable even in those discouraging moments.

Whether you start a dedicated Instagram account or let a few friends know, share your goals with others. If you don’t want to share your goals with everyone and anyone, writing them down will have a similar effect.


Create an action plan

No matter which of the above methods you use, an action plan is crucial. We get so wrapped up in the thought of the outcome we forget what we need to do to get there. Writing out individual steps will give you a clearer image of your path to success.


Reward yourself

Working towards a goal is hard work, so don’t forget to reward yourself. Rewards motivate and keep your morale up even when your goal seems so far away. Treat yourself, even if it’s something small, like buying a coffee from your favourite shop, with each milestone reached.


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Live Assets is a boutique IT Staffing/Recruiting firm specializing exclusively in building IT teams of excellence for the Information Technology sector.

We are a small, but productive team that works closely together and has had a 96% success rate for the past number of years!

We have a diverse number of clients and industries and focus on both full-time and contract I.T. opportunities.

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