Tag: IT career

Three Ways Millennials Can Advance Workplace Diversity and Inclusion
When you picture a traditional business leader, what generation are they from? Likely they're not a millennial. But by 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials. That means millennials...
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Perennials, not millennials, will trigger the next wave of talent retention efforts
Thousands of older customers of the US pharmacy chain CVS spend the colder months of the year in warmer climes, migrating from homes in, say, Minnesota to winter pads in...
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Leaders Only Need to Do This to Retain Top Talent
Successful teams are comprised of like-minded people who trust each other and believe in their mission. overheard a conversation the other day in which an entry-level sales rep said he...
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5 Tips About How You Can Improve Your Career Development
We all know people with a successful career. They are entrusted with the most interesting tasks, they are given powers that are not available to colleagues, and they are the...
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Why do you care so much about your system of record?
Why are so many organizations, both in-house TA teams and agencies, continuously evaluating their ATS / CRM / whatever they use as a core system of record? Almost every day...
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Thinking on AI: What do truck drivers and recruiters have in common?
Per a recent Gallup survey, 7 in 10 Americans believe AI tech will eliminate more jobs than it creates. The numbers are all over the map based on different research,...
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From creepy to cool: why companies should put the customer first when chasing big data
For some time now, the promise of big data and advanced analytics has been obvious. Customers get a better experience tailored to their needs, wants and preferences, and companies get...
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One of the ultimate paradoxes of the hiring process
When I was finishing grad school in May 2014 and started going on a bunch of interviews with companies of about 250 employees all the way up to places like...
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Introducing the Kubernetes Operator for TiDB
Learn how to use the TiDB Operator to deploy, monitor, and manage the distributed, MySQL-compatible, TiDB database on Kubernetes clusters. The rise of Kubernetes has significantly simplified the deployment and...
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Government, private sector invest $1B in information technology in Montreal
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was on hand to make the announcement in Montreal Wednesday. The federal and provincial governments along with Canadian tech company CAE have teamed up to...
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