Tag: Skills

An HR executive who’s worked at Facebook and Amazon says no one should become a manager without taking a key step
-Before making someone a boss, allow them to have some management experience, so they know what they're getting into. -That's advice from Bharath Jayaraman, vice president of people at Paxos...
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Help wanted, apply to the AI: Why your next job interview could be with a machine
Artificial intelligence promises to help streamline hiring process, but not everyone is buying in Your next job interview may feel a lot like an audition tape. On a screen, a...
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You Need the Right Tech and the Right Culture for Your Remote Business to Succeed
Technology tools are crucial but they aren't everything. Many startups these days are built and run by information workers. Software and services have moved online, manufacturing and logistics have been...
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It seems people are confused by what “strategy” means
Here's a new article where, seemingly, some Australian consultant gets a bunch of top dogs (execs) in a room and asks: “What is your broader strategy?” They go off and...
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