7 Questions for Technical Interviews - Live Assets

7 Questions for Technical Interviews – How to Answer

September 19, 2022 -

Technical interviews can be complex and rigorous. They need to test technical capabilities and knowledge and assess for soft skills and cultural fit. As you work with your hiring team to decide which technical skills are critical to the position, consider what soft skills your ideal candidate should have. When it comes to the interview phase, these seven questions can help you identify the candidate that is right for you.


7 Questions for Technical Interviews


  1. How do you stay up to date on your technical certifications and skills?
  2. How do you manage tight deadlines?
  3. How would you explain [relevant technology] to someone with limited technical knowledge?
  4. Do you work on any tech projects in your spare time? If so tell us about your most recent project.
  5. How do you see technological advances impacting your position in the future?
  6. What qualities do you believe make an effective project or team leader?
  7. What do you consider to be the biggest issue in the tech world today?


How do you stay up to date on your technical certifications and skills? 


Technology is constantly advancing, and it’s crucial your employees keep up with these changes. They might read blogs, take online courses, participate in industry events or work on their own projects in their spare time. Whatever their chosen method is, you ultimately want to get a taste of their enthusiasm for the profession. Are they a devoted professional? Or do they just do the bare minimum? Ideally, you want an employee who is continually growing and looking to better themselves.


How do you manage tight deadlines? 


IT professionals are not uncommon to juggle multiple projects at once. Depending on the pace of your company, you might be looking for someone capable of working under pressure. This question will uncover the candidate’s time management skills and help you understand if they will fit in with your company.


How would you explain [relevant technology] to someone with limited technical knowledge?


It is crucial to every industry, meaning IT professionals might interact with less tech-savvy colleagues or clients. This question is a great way to test their communication skills. Assess how the candidate breaks down complex concepts and their use or lack of industry jargon.


This demonstrates the candidate’s interpersonal skills and understanding of fundamental industry or technology concepts. One of the best ways to test your understanding of a concept is to teach someone with zero knowledge.



Do you work on any tech projects in your spare time? If so, tell us about your most recent project. 


A candidate who works on side projects in their own time is driven and dedicated. These professionals work hard to stay up to date with their skills and improve them. To follow up, ask how they avoid burnout and manage their time. You can also open the conversation to their interests and ultimate career goals.


How do you see technological advances impacting your position in the future? 


Automation is being used increasingly, and your candidate might already be utilizing automation tools in their work. As technology advances and evolves, so do IT jobs. New jobs are introduced while others might become obsolete. Is your candidate aware of this reality and what it entails? This question opens the discussion about tech trends and how your candidate plans to adapt to these possible changes.


What qualities do you believe make an effective project or team leader?


Though you might not be hiring for a leadership role, this question can see the candidate’s potential. Leadership qualities such as initiative are highly critical. IT professionals frequently take responsibility for completing and delivering projects, communicating with various company departments, and problem-solving skills. Asking this question can also test culture fit and how well the candidate will mesh with the current team and project leaders.


What do you consider to be the biggest issue in the tech world today?


This question determines whether the candidate stays informed about the industry and how they process that information. Listen to how the candidate explains the problem. Do they have any of their solutions, or do they just complain? Ideally, you want someone who is always looking to problem solves rather than sit back and watch; how your candidate responds can indicate their attitude towards challenges in the workplace.


IT Recruitment Agency in Toronto | About Live Assets | IT Staffing Solutions

Live Assets is a boutique IT Staffing/Recruiting firm specializing exclusively in building IT teams of excellence for the Information Technology sector.

We are a small, but productive team that works closely together and has had a 96% success rate for the past number of years!

We have a diverse number of clients and industries and focus on both full-time and contract I.T. opportunities.

You can find out more about our company on LinkedIn – Twitter – Facebook –Youtube – Glassdooor

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