8 Good Reasons to Decline a Job Offer Live Assets

8 Good Reasons to Turn Down a Job Offer

March 12, 2022 -


Why decline a job offer?


After job hunting for what seems like an eternity getting a job offer can feel like sweet serenity. Unfortunately, not every job offer will be “the one,” and sometimes turning it down is the best choice.


Reasons to turn down a job offer:


  1. Terms of offer are unsatisfactory
  2. Don’t align with company culture
  3. Lousy commute
  4. Your gut is telling you “no”
  5. Received another job offer
  6. No room for personal or professional growth
  7. Didn’t connect with the interviewer
  8. Employer unreliable during recruitment



Terms of offer are unsatisfactory 


A lot goes into a job offer, and unfortunately, these terms won’t always line up with your needs and expectations. Some of the main factors to consider are pay and benefits.


While it isn’t everything, compensation does still matter. Everyone’s situations are different, but your salary needs to cover the cost of basics at least and have extra to save. Your compensation should also reflect industry standards, your experience and your skill level. After all, you need to eat.


In addition to compensation, you also need to make sure the benefits and perks are satisfactory. What kind of health insurance is offered? Are there paid sick days? How much paid vacation time, if any at all?


It is possible to negotiate these terms, but it’s not unreasonable to decline the offer if your counter-offer isn’t successful.



Don’t align with company culture


Company culture comprises everything from the work environment, to company goals, to its management structure. Not all company cultures are a good fit for everything. If you are more introverted, a company that emphasizes teamwork probably isn’t a good match. Ask lots of questions during your interview to understand whether you’re the right fit.


Lousy commute


Your commute shouldn’t be the most exhausting part of your day. A difficult commute will have you frazzled when you get to work and on edge when you get home. Both of which are not good. It might seem like your dream job, but the drive to work isn’t necessarily worth it.


Try out the route, whether it’s on your way to your interview or in your spare time. Think about what it takes to get yourself to work. How many minutes? What kind of transportation are you taking (a car, bus, train etc.)? How much will it cost? Is the route reliable? With all things considered, ask yourself if you’re willing to do this commute every day, twice a day, for however long you work there.


Your gut is telling you “no.”


The job offer seems fine, but something inside of you still isn’t convinced. It’s not unusual for our nerves to get the best of us, but it’s also worth listening a little harder when that internal voice chimes in. Trust your instincts and try to figure out what’s driving these feelings. If you dig deep enough, you might actually find concrete reasons to turn that offer down.


Received another job offer


If fortunate enough, you might have a few offers on the table. So naturally, you’ll also have to say no to another to accept one. The best offer isn’t always obvious, though. Before you let money or a big-name company sway, you consider how each offer will fit into your career goals and day-to-day life.


No room for personal or professional growth


Consider your opportunity for advancement. This is a major question you can bring up during the interview process. Look into the company’s options regarding upskilling, continuing education, promotions, internal job boards, etc. If the hiring manager gives you a lacklustre response, career development is not this organization’s priority.


Keep in mind there are instances where it’s worth accepting the offer. Working in this position may be an opportunity to build new skills and take on responsibilities that can get you prepared for another company in the future. But if the job has zero prospects for promotions or learning opportunities, it will just be another dead-end job.


Didn’t connect with the interviewer 


Managers have a significant impact on employee success and happiness. Countless surveys have proven bad bosses as one of the top reasons people leave their jobs. Pay close attention to who your supervisor will be. Think about your first impression of them. How did they make you feel?

Were they reliable and helpful during the recruitment process? Does their work style seem to match yours? You’ll never truly know everything unless you accept the job, but you can definitely get a good idea before committing.


Employer unreliable during recruitment 


Sometimes a job seems excellent on paper, but as you make your way through the recruitment process, you might notice some red flags from the employer. 


Look out for:

  • Cancelled or rescheduled interviews
  • Late appointments
  • Delayed or non-existent communication
  • Unfocused interviewer


Any of these things happening once might be annoying, but it’s still nothing to stress over.

If the employer keeps repeating these same behaviours, though, declining their offer is probably in your best interest.


How to turn down a job offer?

If you’ve decided to turn down the job, here’s how you can respectfully decline the offer. Start by thanking the employer for their offer and clearly expressing that you will not accept the position. Briefly state your reasons but in a way that won’t insult the hiring manager nor give away too many details of your career plans. The best approach is to keep it short and sweet.



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