Ready for a Career Change? Signs You Need to Pivot into a New IT Job
It’s not uncommon for a person to switch roles or fields at some point in their career. If you lately feel like you’re on autopilot or in a state of chronic burn out it might be a sign that it’s time for a change. We spend a large percentage of our lives at work so if you dont feel fulfilled life can feel pretty dim. Your passion is what will fuels your motivation, and sometimes that means making a change in your work life.
Signs you’re ready for a career pivot:
- Seeking out a work-life balance
- No longer engaged in your role
- Career goals have changed
- Better salary
- Lack of passion for the job
- Your skills are underutilized
- Chronic burnout
- Curios about a different speciality
And as a result of a career change, you get to reap the benefits:
- Less stressed
- Job satisfaction and fulfillment
- Financial stability
- Improved happiness
10 steps to successfully transition careers
- Assess your career satisfaction
Before you begin this process, figure out why you are considering a career change. Examine your level of job satisfaction by weighing the pros and cons of your current position. Switching careers is no joke and can take a lot of work, so you want to be sure when taking this leap.
2. Examine your interests and skillset
Your next step is to review your skills and interests. Look at the skills you already have and see if they are transferable to other jobs. Chances are, you already have plenty of soft skills that are universal to any career. Think back to past employment or volunteer opportunities that you enjoyed doing. This assessment will help you in determining what kind of skills you prefer putting into practice.
3. Do you want to change industries?
So, you’ve officially decided you are changing careers but are you changing industries as well? Depending on what new occupation you are interested in, you might not have to switch industries. If you find a new job in the same industry, this can make for a smoother transition. However, if you are completely unhappy in your current position, changing industries can be better.
4. Research jobs
Your search officially begins. Go through job boards or conduct a simple Google search for positions that fit your interests. Find what resonates with you and compile a list. Once you feel you have exhausted your search go through your list and narrow it down to a few potential careers. Weigh the pros and cons of each and continue to do further research if needed.
5. Utilize your network
Connect with trusted people already in your desired career path. Your preliminary research is valuable, but your connections can provide more personal and realistic insights. Maintain these connections as they can be your ears and eyes when looking for opportunities.
6. Give it a try!
Look for opportunities to volunteer or job shadow. On paper, a job might seem fun and exciting, but when put into practice, you might find it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. If you try and find out you love it, this will be great practice and experience moving forward. If you hate it, you just saved yourself the time and effort of transitioning from one unfulfilling job to another.
7. Update your skills
Hopefully, at this point, you have narrowed down your career path. After researching, you can begin to learn what skills you already have and what you will need. Depending on how drastic this change is, you might need to invest in formal education. If you are still working, there are lots of part-time and online options for school. If you don’t need to undergo formal schooling again, it still doesn’t hurt to brush up and enhance your pre-existing skills.
8. Rebrand yourself
As you begin to apply for jobs, you will need to rebrand yourself. Just as you would market a product, it’s all about focusing on your target audience. As you start your new career, you also have a new audience to appeal to. Think about what skills and achievements you have that will reflect you as a suitable candidate in this new role. Certain aspects of yourself that you emphasized previously might no longer be relevant as you rebrand yourself. Your resume, cover letters, and networking platforms are all tools to brand yourself, so use them wisely.
9. Get started with a recruitment agency
One of the benefits of a recruitment agency is its ability to jumpstart your career. With their knowledge and expertise, they can assist you in finding employment in your newly chosen career. If you aren’t sure where to start in your job hunt, an agency specializing in your chosen industry can get you started.
10. Put in your notice
If you have still been working your current job during this time, eventually you will have to say goodbye. At some point, you will land your new dream job, which means you will have to leave your old one. Just because this job no longer aligns with your career goals doesn’t mean you can go out burning bridges either. When putting in your notice, be professional and keep it short and sweet.
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Live Assets is a boutique IT Staffing/Recruiting firm specializing exclusively in building IT teams of excellence for the Information Technology sector.
We are a small, but productive team that works closely together and has had a 96% success rate for the past number of years!
We have a diverse number of clients and industries and focus on both full-time and contract I.T. opportunities.
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