Top Transit Recruitment Agency in Toronto

Top Transit Recruitment Agencies in the GTA   Working with a recruitment agency comes with many benefits; primarily taking the pain out of the hiring process. If you are looking...

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Halifax – Canada’s Up and Coming Tech Hub

Key Players in Halifax's Tech Scene   Tech giants in Halifax: This up-and-coming tech hub has caught the attention of global tech giants. Companies such as IBM, ADP, Dell and...

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Women In Technology: Exploring diversity in Canadian engineering

Irene Sterian is the technology business partner at Toronto-based contract electronic manufacturer Celestica Inc., where she manages a global team of senior engineers to provide customer solutions in the areas...

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Canadian startups are tackling COVID-19

With the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declaring COVID-19 an international pandemic, nations have doubled down on “flattening the curve” of the crisis by imposing unprecedented controls on citizens to slow...

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Five smart city technologies that Sidewalk Labs is pitching

From underground delivery to universal Wi-Fi and more. A look at five of the smart city technologies Sidewalk Labs LLC is offering Torontonians. Heated sidewalks and bike paths The Pitch:...

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Can connected technology ever become more ethical?

The importance of creating technologies with the user in mind. Thanks to advances on mobile connectivity, we are now able to connect to most devices through our mobile phones. Moving...

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How to design a system for ethical innovation in tech

Google was founded over two decades ago, but they released their first public set of ethical technology principles just last year. Facebook launched out of a Harvard dorm in 2004, but they...

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Does Canada’s tech sector need a rebrand?

Gentrification. Job loss. Toxic cultures. Data breaches. Tech — at least as commonly discussed in the media — has been difficult to love as of late. In Canada and beyond,...

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Three Ways Millennials Can Advance Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

When you picture a traditional business leader, what generation are they from? Likely they're not a millennial. But by 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials. That means millennials...

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The EU plans to test an AI lie detector at border points

Trials for AI lie detection at border patrol checkpoints are set to begin soon in the EU. The program, called iBorderCtrl, will run for six months at four border crossing points...

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